To use your Atouch X8, X10, X11, X12, X13  tablet with mobile network data, you must first insert & activate a SIM card. Only the sim Enabled kid’s Android Tablet can accept a SIM card. Wi-Fi versions of the tablet can’t.

When the tablet is held upright, the SIM card slot is located at the back, the upper part of the tablet.

You will find a diagram/picture of a sim card at the opening of the slot after you've removed the cover. 

To insert a new SIM card:

1. Turn your tablet off and place it on a flat surface with the screen facing down.

2. Locate the SIM card slot on the side of your tablet, find the hole and insert/push your sim slowly until it fits in properly  (which indicates that the sim card is already secured).

3.  Turn ON your tablet and wait for signals from your service provider.